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Promotion "Your Personal Victory"

APL GO Associates always accept new promotions with enthusiasm and gratitude!

Countries: Russia, CIS, EU, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey, Israel, Ukraine.
Dates: 27 – 30 April, 2024

APL GO Associates always accept new promotions with enthusiasm and gratitude! Why is that? Because they are a gift, motivation, an opportunity to take your business to a new level and prove once again that you can do more! This is a goal that brings you closer to your dream! This is your personal victory! Have you thought about promotion from this perspective? You have a great opportunity!

Get presentation product for purchases directed towards Activity:

  • Generate additional volume equal to 50 PV and more and get an additional 50% in product for presentation*.
  • Generate additional volume equal to 100 PV and more and get an additional 100% in product for presentation*.

*Any product of the ACUMULLIT SA series can be chosen as a presentation product (except PFT). Presentation product - it is an opportunity to purchase a product for only 5 c. u.

c. u. (conditional unit) - an internal basic calculation unit of the company, you can see the c. u. exchange rate in your personal account on the website https://backoffice.aplgo.com/ when making a purchase.

PV - a conditional digital indicator assigned to each APL GO product, used in bonus reward and qualification calculations, and when setting the minimum activity of an APL GO Associate.

You can learn if the promotion is available in a specific country when placing an order in your personal account https://backoffice.aplgo.com/

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